The Total Solar Eclipse April 8, 2024 = Vedic New Year 2024

By Edith Hathaway © 2024

The Total Solar eclipse on April 8, 2024 has been called the Great North American Eclipse, as its path runs through Mazatlan in northeastern Mexico up through Texas and 14 other states in the U.S. before reaching Newfoundland in northeastern Canada.  This year it also coincides with Vedic New Year, which is the last New Moon in Pisces prior to the Sun entering the sign of Aries (all in the sidereal zodiac, Lahiri ayanamsha).  Its Sanskrit name is the Chaitra Shukla Pratipada.

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The 2024 U.S. Presidential Election

By Edith Hathaway © 2024

[UPDATE:  On July 21, 2024 Joe Biden stepped down from his run for the presidency and endorsed his Vice President Kamala Harris as the new Democratic Party Presidential candidate. My prediction of a Trump victory has not changed in the larger sense that I expect to see the Globalists be defeated in this election, and they will fight against that outcome tooth and nail.  I have predicted this larger trend change away from Globalism and towards Nationalist/ Populism in my article, The Long View of 2024.  Harris represents the Globalist vantage point as much if not more so than Biden.  She supports Open Borders, the war in Ukraine and proxy wars in general, censorship of free speech, de-criminalization of drugs, defunding the police, packing the U.S. Supreme Court, and generally diminishing the rights and freedoms of citizens as guaranteed in the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Globalists have openly stated that “nation-states no longer work.” This means that the Harris-Walz team believe that Globalist organizations such as the United Nations, the World Economic Forum, the World Health Organization, NATO and the European Union should have more sway over American citizens, their rights and freedoms than any officials that American citizens may vote for in our elections.]  Continue reading

The Long View of 2024

& Why 2020 is Still the Pivot Point of Our Times

By Edith Hathaway © 2024

“There are decades when nothing happens, and there are weeks when decades happen.”   Vladimir Lenin, 1870-1924

We are currently in one of those very intense, accelerated times to which Lenin refers.  But we should not be surprised, considering the power and significance of Dec. 2020 as the pivot point halfway into a 120-year period when the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction cycles predominate in sidereal EARTH signs.  And when a JU-SA conjunction year is that significant astrologically, the 4 to 5 years surrounding it are also highly significant.  Coincidentally, NASA reports that the Solar maximum cycle is nearing its 11-year high in 2024.  It is arriving sooner than expected and will last longer than expected. Continue reading

Matthew Perry & Tucker Carlson: Two Approaches to Addiction (Part 2)

By Edith Hathaway © 2023

The senses (horses) desire pleasurable things. The mind (reins) is not exercising restraint on the senses (horses). The intellect (charioteer) submits to the pull of the reins (mind). So in the materially bound state, the bewildered soul does not direct the intellect in the proper direction.

Chapter 3, Verse 43 – Bhagavad Gita

In the Vedic chart the mind is viewed from the Moon, which is considered much more important in Eastern philosophy and astrology than the Sun.  Thus, the study of the Moon-ruled Cancer Ascendant chart provides an excellent opportunity to observe the workings of the Moon, as ruler over the both the physical and emotional realms.  As the Bhagavad Gita reminds us, only the mind can rein in the senses.  The charioteer cannot be successful otherwise, nor the soul. Continue reading

Matthew Perry – A Lifelong Battle with Saturn (Part 1)

By Edith Hathaway © 2023

On Saturday afternoon Oct. 28, 2023, the 54-yr. old American actor, Matthew Perry, died suddenly of an apparent drowning or heat stroke in his jacuzzi in Pacific Palisades, CA.  His death occurred very close to the time of the exact Lunar eclipse at 1:24 pm Pacific time at 10:57 Aries (sidereal zodiac).  The eclipse in turn was within a few degrees of a very pivotal planetary pattern in his chart, natal Saturn debilitated in Aries opposite natal Moon in Libra, as we shall soon discuss. Continue reading

Tucker Carlson – Truth-Teller in a Time of Lies

By Edith Hathaway © 2023

By Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, United States of America – Tucker Carlson, CC BY-SA 2.0,

Prime time TV host Tucker Carlson and Fox News “parted ways” suddenly and officially on Monday morning, April 24, 2023.  This set in motion an earthquake reaction across the American media landscape.  Carlson was informed just ten minutes before the brief announcement was made on Fox News.  His nightly news show Tucker Carlson Tonight had been running on Rupert Murdoch’s news outlet since its debut Nov. 16, 2016 and had reached dizzying heights of popularity for a cable news show, his audience reaching numbers greater than his competitors combined. CNN fired TV host Don Lemon the same day, but Carlson’s departure is far more consequential.  His message and his popularity were still exploding, while Lemon’s had already cratered. Continue reading

Cultural Subversion and the Trial of Ghislaine Maxwell

Heiress and socialite Ghislaine Maxwell grew up in a 53-room mansion, but since July 2020 she has been confined to a 10 x 12 ft. prison cell she describes as containing vermin and reeking of raw sewage smells.  Though not the most important of the Globalists, she is currently among the most visible, and with highly damaging secrets to expose.  Her trial for international sex-trafficking started Monday, Nov. 29, 2021 in New York City. Continue reading

Freedom vs. Tyranny: The Epic Battle of our Time Accelerates

In summer 2021 it becomes clearer that the epic battle between the Nationalists and the Globalists is also a battle between Freedom and Tyranny. In the process, we find out more about who is on each side of the battle.  The Globalists are Marxists, Transhumanists and Technocrats and they do not tolerate debate or the free exchange of ideas, so they employ censorship and demand conformity and compliance. They are ever more intent on imposing lockdowns worldwide, along with forced Covid vaccinations for all people, including babies and children. Continue reading

History Hangs in the Balance: Dec. 2020

By Edith Hathaway © 2020

It was always going to be a time of intense drama the closer we got to the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction of Dec. 21, 2020.  I have been saying for well over a year that the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election on Nov. 3, 2020 would be a major focus of that drama.  With both the election and the Jan. 20th U.S. Presidential inauguration so closely straddling the important planetary conjunction, this also typically magnifies the significance of a national leader taking power at this time. Continue reading

The 2020 U.S. Presidential Election: A Contemporary Morality Play – Part 2

In my studies of American presidential elections held within a few months of the JU-SA conjunctions, notably when both the election and inauguration occurs close to the conjunction date, I have observed that that president is elevated and becomes more important in U.S. history, whether deserved or not.  They play a major role historically.  Here is from my book, In Search of Destiny, 2012, p. 40: Continue reading

Jupiter-Saturn 2020: The Tipping Point

By Edith Hathaway © 2019

Many arenas of life are sweeping to a tipping point in Dec. 2020.  As we approach this tipping point, the excesses or weaknesses of any ideology become more obvious, as if they are ready to either explode or break.  Though many arenas are in play, among the most prominent is the battle between Nationalism and Globalism, with Nationalism and issues of national sovereignty generally supported by the Right, and Globalism and One World Government generally supported by the Left. Continue reading

December 2019: Solar Eclipse & a Planetary Conclave in Sagittarius

By Edith Hathaway © 2019

December 2019 brings some extra acceleration and intensity due to eclipses on Dec. 26, 2019 and Jan. 10, 2020. They occur at 9:59 Sagittarius and 25:52 Gemini, respectively.  (All planetary positions are sidereal zodiac/Lahiri ayanamsha.)  In addition, we have a Sagittarian focus for nearly eight weeks. This includes the entire month of Dec. 2019 and from Nov. 21, 2019 to Jan. 12, 2020.  Continue reading