In natal astrology and the study of the birth chart of an individual, astrologers develop a deep understanding that we are looking at the specific destiny of an individual, and that that individual will have a destiny that is not going to be equal to all others in respect to abilities, health, wealth, status, education, marriage, or relationships. Nor do we invent that a planet or zodiacal sign suddenly has new meaning and/or gender assignment because we reject previous traditional knowledge on the subject, as in Postmodernism, which rejects previous universalist ideas of objective reality, morality, truth, human nature, reason, science, language, and social progress. Postmodernism rejects Marxism and Christianity, among others in a long list of what it considers failed meta-narratives. But what may unite Marxism and Postmodernism is an ever expanding list of grievances, even if not the same exact list. Continue reading →