Part 1: Immigration – Left and Right
By Edith Hathaway © 2019
“It’s a Republic, if you can keep it.” Benjamin Franklin, 1789
Jupiter is the planet of expansion, abundance, law, justice and religion, while Saturn is the planet of constriction, discipline, limits, borders and rules – especially for marriage, families, and societies. Saturn is more concerned with tradition, material security and safety. In the planetary hierarchy, the teaching is that rules are needed in the midst of expansion and prosperity.
In many ways Jupiter represents the liberal philosophy of John Locke (1632-1704), the British philosopher and physician who believed in the innate goodness and cooperative spirit in the human being and the human race. His anti-authoritarian views are expressed in his Two Treatises [on civil government], 1689. Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679), on the other hand, believed that all people are not inherently good. His more conservative and materialistic philosophy represents Saturn. Hobbes was a British philosopher and ardent monarchist, whose major work Leviathan, 1651, concerned the structure of society and legitimate government. He was less trusting in the human being to look out for others, and more willing to let a government have absolute authority over its subjects and its institutions. Hobbes focused more on the innate evil or brutishness in human beings, and how it would be impossible in a political community for people to agree on what should be the common good without a strong executive power – in that era called “a commonwealth” or “a sovereign” – as this would provide and preserve peace and stability within the society.
Scholars and historians likewise associate Liberals with John Locke, and Conservatives with Thomas Hobbes. While both men agreed that social contracts exist to preserve the common good and to protect private rights, they disagreed on how the social contract should be achieved, with Locke trusting more in the ability of people in a political community to reach consent among themselves.
The planetary equivalents of Left (Liberal) and Right (Conservative) views on political matters can help us better understand the critical issues of our times. Applied to the current red hot issue of immigration in the U.S. and elsewhere, we see how those on the Left want to decriminalize border crossing and give free health care and other social services to all illegal immigrants, while those on the Right want to tighten border security, build a wall, and enforce the Rule of Law. The Right points out that the “free” health care being offered is tax-payer funded.
The U.S. currently has over 40 million foreign-born citizens, the largest foreign-born population of any nation. Beyond that, illegal immigrants also residing in the U.S now total between 17 and 29 million – up to nine percent of the U.S. population – and growing exponentially since President Trump took office in Jan. 2017. Their average length of stay is 15 years (2017 data). Since 2014 there is a 300 percent increase in immigrants entering the U.S. illegally.
The surge of migrants flooding across the U.S. southern border has taken advantage of weak immigration laws (which Democrats have refused to revise), unguarded border areas, and insufficient staff and detention facilities. In 2012 Democrat U.S. President Obama created his DACA policy (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals), an administrative stopgap measure that added to the problem of enforcement by postponing indefinitely a whole category of deportations. DACA has also led directly to a massive increase in children being smuggled across the border, and of unaccompanied alien children (UAC) crossing the border. The UACs are left vulnerable to drug and trafficking smugglers – all this made worse since Democrats passed a provision that ICE (Immigration Control Enforcement Agency) cannot detain or take any action against adults with UACs. Even then, over 80 percent of DACA people do not appear in court.
U.S. Immigration courts have a current backlog of over 900,000 cases. Even with more judges being hired, court cases spin out for years and migrants disappear into the communities, often hooking up with family members who also entered the U.S. illegally, lack documents, and avoid or ignore deportation orders. Up to one million of these migrants have criminal records, including some 10,000 MS-13 gang members from El Salvador, known for drug smuggling and acts of extreme violence. But the Left wants to protect all migrants at whatever cost.
There are eight “Sanctuary States” in the U.S. These include two Border States: California and New Mexico. They have all refused to comply with Federal Immigration Law. Illegal aliens are welcomed and receive many benefits. California gives them free health care and driver’s licenses, which are also a conduit to voter rights. California state “Motor voter” laws automatically register every license holder.
The Right wants stronger immigration laws and enforcement. They want immigrants to proceed through the proper channels, including legal ports of entry. They view Sanctuary States and Cities as rogue operations, since they threaten the viability of federal laws and their enforcement, notably with immigration. By intentionally overwhelming the system, often with ample funding and coaching from the Left, illegal immigrants are pushing a now explosive rhetorical and real political battle between the U.S. Left and Right.
On Sat. July 13, 2019 a 69-year old Leftist was shot and killed by police while firebombing the Northwest Detention Center in Tacoma, Washington. He was a member of the domestic terrorist group Antifa, which was quick to praise him for his actions as a “martyr” and a “fallen comrade.” No Democrat politician or presidential candidate has condemned Antifa or the attack. This includes freshman Democrat Congresswomen Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib and Ayanna Pressley, who have repeatedly used such rhetoric as “concentration camps” to refer to ICE facilities – the same term used in the Antifa terrorist’s 3-page “Manifesto.” Nor has Leftist mainstream media covered the event for the domestic terrorist act that it is. Instead, they quickly pivoted to spread outrage at Trump’s tweets about the radical extremist Democrats above, a.k.a. “the Squad.” He called their statements anti-American and anti-Semitic.
Along with trade wars, information technology and cyber security, immigration has risen to a key issue at this time due to the current planetary focus on the sidereal Gemini-Sagittarius axis. Since this is also the Ascendant of the United States chart (8:59 Sagittarius), with four planets in the USA chart in Gemini (Mars Venus, Jupiter and Sun – in that order), the U.S. is hugely involved in dealing with immigration issues, and perhaps setting some important precedents. (USA chart rectified by James Kelleher: July 4, 1776, 18:30 LMT, Philadelphia, PA.)
- Saturn is in Sagittarius Jan. 26 to June 20, 2017; Oct. 26, 2017 to Jan. 25, 2020.
- The eclipse axis (Rahu-Ketu) enters Gemini-Sagittarius from March 6, 2019 to Sept. 23, 2020. (Mean Node) Eclipses are then predominantly on the Gemini-Sagittarius axis: 2018 (July 12); 2019 (Jan. 5, July 2, July 16, and 26); 2020 (Jan. 10, June 21, and July 4).
- Jupiter is in Sagittarius Mar. 29 to Apr. 23, 2019; Nov. 4, 2019 to Mar. 29, 2020; July 1 to Nov. 21, 2020.
- Jupiter and Saturn are together in Sagittarius Mar. 29 to Apr. 23, 2019; Nov. 4, 2019 thru Jan. 25, 2020.
- Outer planet Pluto spends 15 years in sidereal Sagittarius, on and off from Feb. 8, 2005 thru Dec. 30, 2020.
- The Saturn-Pluto conjunction at 28:38 Sagittarius (Jan. 12, 2020) occurs 13 days before tr. Saturn exits Sagittarius on Jan. 25, 2020.
- Pluto’s last Station in Sagittarius is at 28:21 Sagittarius on Oct. 4, 2020.
- A Jupiter-Saturn conjunction occurs at 6:20 Capricorn on Dec. 21, 2020, with three more conjunctions in sidereal EARTH: 2040, 2060, and 2080.
The United States was one of the very few nations NOT to sign the United Nations’ agreement on immigration: The U.N. Global Compact on Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration. It was signed on Dec. 10, 2018 in Morocco by 164 nations, having been in the works since 2015, with German Chancellor Angela Merkel as a driving force behind the document. The agreement makes no distinction between legal and illegal immigration, and declares mass immigration to be “inevitable, desirable and necessary.” A key component of the agreement is this: “Criticism of migration will become a criminal offence. Media outlets that give room to criticism of migration can be shut down.” Thus, according to the United Nations, any criticism of mass migration is now “hate speech.”
After President Trump chose not to sign this U.N. agreement, he was immediately chastised by France’s President Macron and Germany’s Chancellor Merkel for being “unpatriotic” and “nationalistic.” U.S. Democrats also criticized him for wanting to build a wall along the U.S.-southern border and for not welcoming all those who want to immigrate to the U.S., even if they enter the country illegally. Not to do so now they consider “racist,” “xenophobic,” and “anti-immigrant.” But Trump’s position is that of the classical conservative (Saturnian) view that to have a nation, it is necessary to have and enforce national boundaries. Otherwise, the Rule of Law easily disappears. In addition, there are material concerns (also Saturn). Illegal aliens cost the U.S. over $200 billion per year, $18 billion of that on their health care alone. At least 70 percent of illegal immigrants are on welfare programs – programs primarily intended to help poor American citizens.
The Liberal Leftist point of view is relativist, and known to shift gears and terminology on established laws and trends as they see fit. U.S. Democrats’ views on borders have shifted 180 degrees since 2006. Even in 2015 under Obama, Democrats did not object to deportations. And despite the 300 percent increase in illegal immigrants entering the U.S. since 2014, the Left refused to believe it until recently, and now views those who support deportation as “racist.” This term is often used now to demonize the opposition.
New words have also come into play, along with outright contradictions, some of them evoking George Orwell’s “Newspeak” in his novel 1984. (Since political and intellectual freedom no longer existed, even as concepts, Newspeak was a language created to meet the ideological needs of The Party.) To have nationalist priorities is now “unpatriotic.” Illegal immigrants are simply aspiring citizens and thus “dreamers” and “undocumented.”
Colorado State University – in the Sanctuary State of Colorado – now advises students NOT to use the words “America” or “American,” as these are non-inclusive. Otherwise, not everyone on campus will feel “welcomed, respected, and valued.” The Left supports a similar shift in sexual identity; thus, we are no longer just male or female. We can change all that, including the vocabulary, along with much of our national identity and history. Any historic murals and monuments should now be destroyed if they offend someone’s current views. Orwell speaks again: When you get rid of history, The Party dominates. And to disagree with The Party is a “thoughtcrime.”
In France large numbers of African migrants are now demanding citizenship papers and housing – instantly. Their voices are loud and clear: “We do not have papers, so give them to us.” It should be no surprise that with the urging of the Left, migrants are now pushing the parameters, especially given the U.N. Immigration Agreement of Dec. 2018 – signed by France – and now only a matter of switching filing categories.
The fact is that the Liberal Left (Jupiter) now openly embraces a Globalist philosophy that does not recognize national sovereignty and the rights of citizens. It is more focused on a global society and a grand vision of the world, where the rights of migrants are prioritized over the rights of nation-states and their citizens, ironically – as Jupiter also classically rules over the nation-state. To bridge the gap, Saturn has taken over Jupiter’s role of defending the nation-state. And now the Liberal Left (Jupiter) accuses the Conservative (Saturn and the elder), of “nostalgia” and hanging on to some vision of a white America.
Planets do not normally switch roles, but we see it here with Saturn taking over concerns that Jupiter has abandoned. We shall soon see why, with Jupiter’s weakness in this current era. Coincidentally, it echoes both the U.N.’s support of Globalism and its lack of legally binding authority, though Globalists want it to be “politically binding.” This is confirmed astrologically in the United Nations chart: Oct. 24, 1945, 16:45 EST, Washington, D.C., USA. Ascendant 26:58 Pisces.
Click here for a brief review of how to read a North and South Indian chart.
The United Nations: The astrology of why the U.N. has no real legal authority:
- Mars, ruler of the 9th house of legal matters loses the Graha Yuddha (Planetary War) with Saturn, weakening Mars’ ability to enforce U.N. resolutions, including those seeking to prevent war between nations and prevent nations from invading each other.
- The U.N. was born/founded during the Mars-Saturn Dasha, giving even more emphasis to the Mars-Saturn Graha Yuddha. (See upcoming section for definition of Graha Yuddha.)
- Saturn is now in the 10th house of the U.N. chart; thus, the organization reaches the height of its powers, but could also experience a major fall from grace while tr. Saturn is in Sagittarius, up to Jan. 25, 2020.
- The U.N. enters a new Dasha: Ketu (in the 10th house) on July 26, 2019. Ketu is at 9:59 Sagittarius, within one degree orb of the USA Ascendant at 8:59 Sagittarius. The U.N.’s Globalist policies and actions seeking to undermine U.S. sovereignty have now become very clear.
- The Lunar eclipse July 16, 2019 at 29:56 Sagittarius is close to the U.N. 10th house cusp at 26:58 Sagittarius.
- Pluto turns SD Oct. 3, 2019 at 26:20 Sagittarius, and again Oct. 4, 2020 tr. Pluto turns SD at 28:21 Sagittarius, its last station in Sagittarius before leaving the sign Dec. 30, 2020. Both Pluto Stations, notably the one in Oct. 2019 are close to the U.N.’s 10th house cusp; thus, there could be some fundamental re-structuring of the U.N. at this time or soon afterwards.
Since 2016 and earlier President Trump has already established his “America First” or more “Nationalist” priorities. In this situation we have to assign Nationalism to Saturn, which preserves time-honored and established traditions, along with national borders and legal, merit-based immigration. Democratic leaders and presidential candidates, meanwhile, are making their Globalist position ever more clear, and we have seen how in the immigration battle Jupiter more accurately represents the Liberal Leftists. Thus, we have to assign Globalism to Jupiter.
In a press conference July 11, 2019 House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) defended her decision to take no action in Congress to debate, change or modify current U.S. immigration laws, as President Trump had requested for 2 ½ years and more urgently from early 2019 onward. Speaker Pelosi said that every nation is part of a global community and that no sovereign right should prevent other members of “the human society” from entering our country. Also on July 11, 2019 Democratic Presidential contender and former Vice President Joe Biden laid out his proposal for a “Globalist view” on immigration, counter to President Trump’s “Nationalist view.”
Despite the overwhelming influx of illegal immigrants to the U.S. and the amount of loopholes in the current laws, House Speaker Pelosi also publicly advised potential deportees how they could avoid deportation. California Governor Gavin Newsom and other Democratic leaders have made similar public announcements. What they avoid acknowledging, however, is that all of the currently scheduled deportees have already had their day in court. They have been given previous deportation orders and ignored them, in some cases for many years. Their pleas for asylum have often proven to be baseless. These people are in violation of U.S. laws which President Trump wants to enforce. But Leftists claim he is “terrorizing immigrant families” with the aim of “cruelty,” and “committing crimes against humanity.” Trump supporters are also accused of “cruelty” and of course “racism.” Thus is a potentially incendiary situation spinning out of control, though some independent journalists are visiting border facilities to report the facts. That reality was sadly missing for many months, while Leftist news media kept saying there was no border crisis, and it was all President Trump’s “manufactured crisis.”
Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), a leading Democratic Presidential candidate, initially proposed decriminalizing illegal border crossings. But by mid-July 2019 she went further and said we need to stop securing the border altogether, stop deportations, stop penalties for hiring illegal immigrants, and offer a pathway to citizenship. So far she and the other Democrat leaders have avoided using the phrase “Open Borders,” but that is the obvious result. It is also in synch with the public chants of the domestic terrorist group, Antifa: “No Borders! No Walls! No USA at all! No Borders! No Walls! No USA at all!”
Biden, Pelosi, Warren and other leading Democrats are telling us that breaking U.S. law is perfectly acceptable here. Leftists have also funded numerous busloads of immigrants and coached them on how to game the U.S. system. (This is allegedly George Soros and various U.N. subgroups, among others.) But only alternative media follows this. Perhaps emboldened by the Dec. 2018 U.N. Immigration Agreement (which the U.S. did not sign), Leftists want to circumvent U.S. law. They oppose border walls, ICE, and the U.S. Border Patrol – all impediments to their immigration goals.
This is a Jupiterian point of view, in that Jupiter is inherently expansive and dislikes limitations on its freedom of movement. Jupiter also represents tolerance, and broadly speaking – benevolent human behavior. But in this case the philosophy of expansionism has exceeded the basic tenets of nationhood. Nor is tolerance coming from Leftists who insist that laws can be broken, as long as they are laws they no longer like, or that their political opponents favor. Further, freedom of speech can be ignored and political enemies censored when Leftists do not share their views. Technocratic tyranny worsens the problem.
Saturn can be repressive and fearful, but at best it provides structure and order. It is the planet of rules and commitment for a working society, especially for marriage and families; thus, its exaltation in Libra. To the Saturnian point of view, a policy of Open Borders is asking for chaos. Saturn says that you do not know who is coming through your national borders to stay indefinitely in the U.S. unless you screen them carefully and require them to come through proper entry points. Among them could be criminals, terrorists, human traffickers and drug traffickers, along with people carrying dreadful diseases, ones for which U.S. citizens have little to no immunity. As of 2017, deportations of U.S. foreign-born individuals were at 295,000, of which 41 percent had prior criminal convictions. Even higher levels of deportations occurred from 2007 to 2014, highest during the Obama administration. (Source: U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security)
Jupiter also rules over knowledge, journalism and education. The fact that Jupiter’s role has been so much co-opted for a political ideology can be attributed astrologically to its basic weakness in the EARTH period. This runs from 1921 to 2199, when the tr. Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions predominate in sidereal EARTH signs. This becomes even more noticeable in the core period outside of the Mutation periods. This core period runs from Feb. 18, 1961 to March 14, 2080. The JU-SA conjunction in Dec. 2020 is the halfway point in this core 120-year cycle, and thus a pivotal fulcrum point when it becomes clear whether previous trends (including on immigration) will continue or be reversed. Read more about this in Part 2: Who Wins the Immigration Battle?
[Parts 1 & 2 of this article also appear in the Aug. 2019 issue of AstroLogic Magazine, an on-line magazine, as well as at The Mountain Astrologer blog, Aug. 12, 2019.]
Copyright © 2019 by Edith Hathaway. All rights reserved.