The following are important articles and excerpts from an extensive collection of writings and recordings. We hope you find the material helpful, informative and useful. We have included a contact link for you to join our friendship list. We hope you sign up to receive future updates.

More Investigation around the 2016 U.S. Election: The Inspector General’s Report, June 14, 2018

by Edith Hathaway © 2018

The IG Report: Background 

“On July 10, 2015, the FBI Counterintelligence Division opened a criminal investigation [on Hillary Clinton’s emails] in response to the 811 referral from the IC IG [Office of the Intelligence Community Inspector General].[i]  Although only a small percentage of 811 referrals result in criminal investigations, witnesses told the OIG [Office of the Inspector General] that a criminal investigation was necessary to determine the extent of classified information on former Secretary Clinton’s private server, who was responsible for introducing the information into an unclassified system, and why it was placed there. The FBI gave the investigation the code name ‘Midyear Exam’…” Continue reading

Russiagate Showdown – 13 Russians Indicted

By Edith Hathaway © 2018

On Friday, Feb. 16, 2018 at 1:30 pm EST, the U.S. Dept. of Justice held an important press conference. Mainstream media called it a decisive turning point in the findings of an 18-month long federal investigation into President Trump’s possible collusion with Russia to affect the outcome of the 2016 U.S. Presidential election – a topic widely known as “Russiagate.” Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein presided at the event.  The FBI-led investigation has been ongoing since late July 2016, initially under Special Counsel James Comey, FBI Director (2013-2017), and continuing under Robert Mueller, FBI director (2001-2013). Trump fired Comey as FBI Director May 9, 2017, and 8 days later Mueller was appointed Special Counsel.  He was not present at the Feb. 16, 2018 press conference. Continue reading

Chakrapani Ullal

Chakrapani Ullal has been called the “father of Vedic astrology in the Western world.” A great Vedic astrologer who came to the U.S. from South India in 1979, he previously studied law and business in India, having learned Vedic astrology from a young age at the feet of his father and grandfather. He first became widely known internationally as the astrologer for Swami Muktananda, who invited him to come to the US in 1979. Continue reading

Anatomy of a Pluto Station: Las Vegas Shooting and Other Notable Events

By Edith Hathaway © 2017

Of course this wasn’t just any Pluto Station. When Pluto went Stationary Direct (from the earth’s vantage point) on Sept. 28, 2017 it was extraordinary in being almost exactly opposite the USA Sun, and the first time ever in U.S. history and in Pluto’s 248-year orbit around the Sun that such a phenomenon has occurred. I’ve been writing about this astronomical/astrological event since spring 2017, but let us review some of the main components.  Continue reading

The Great Divide: American Civil War Redux

by Edith Hathaway © 2017

The American Civil War of the 1860s is reappearing in multiple ways during the summer and fall of 2017: The classic Civil War film Gone with the Wind (1939) was removed from a popular film festival in Memphis, Tennessee. Deemed “insensitive” to the local population, which is 64% black, it was removed from the 2017 and 2018 series after a showing on Aug. 11, 2017. The statue of Robert E. Lee and other Confederate soldiers may be removed all across the South. An Asian TV announcer with the name Robert Lee was removed from his announcer post at ESPN – temporarily, as a football game Aug. 26, 2017 was to be held in Charlottesville, Virginia, the scene of the protests and counter protests in mid-August regarding Robert E. Lee’s statue.[i] And since George Washington and Thomas Jefferson were also major slave owners, the question arises: Should their statues be removed as well? And what about their images on U.S. currency? Continue reading

ACCIDENTAL JOURNALIST & FRIENDS : The Rise of Citizen Journalists

by Edith Hathaway © 2017

George Webb calls himself the “Accidental Journalist,” while his admirers call him “an extraordinary and intrepid investigator” and his detractors call him (predictably) a “conspiracy theorist.” Others like him have become “citizen journalists” in recent years, joining the burgeoning ranks of on-line Independent news media. Generally they do not feel served by the mainstream media, especially during the 2016 U.S. Presidential election and dating back to 9-11 or earlier. Many citizen journalists did not plan to be journalists, but moved into it out of utter frustration with the level of information being presented on mainstream news (MSM).  Continue reading

Deep State vs. Head of State : Tr. Pluto opposes the USA Sun (3° orb)

by Edith Hathaway © 2017

“Apparently, ‘conspiracy stuff’ is now shorthand for unspeakable truth.”

Gore Vidal, Oct. 2002

Transiting Pluto opposite anyone’s natal Sun is an arresting phenomenon, confronting the person’s very identity and legitimacy on deep levels. There are no political or geographical boundaries to Pluto’s realm, just as with Plutonian elements such as radioactivity. Expand the implications to cover the first-ever Pluto opposition to the USA Sun. Pluto’s orbit is 248.4 years, and the Sun in the chart of a nation-state is the President, or Head of State; also the presidency.  Continue reading


By Edith Hathaway © 2017

The Information Age has brought with it both progress and retrogression. Some consider it simply the dark and light sides of capitalism and capitalist modernization, thus something that both emancipates and crushes. Astrologically, the Information Age in our era began formally in 1980-1981 with the triple Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions in sidereal Virgo, the sign that Mercury, the communications planet, owns and where it is exalted. The JU-SA conjunctions occur every 20 years, but when they occur three times at the 20-year mark, a relative rarity, this gives extra potency to the conjunctions, and brings extra intensity and acceleration both to the period and to the arena over which Mercury has domain. In addition, this set of triple conjunctions occurred in Hasta nakshatra (the hand), reflecting the new information technology’s hands-on practical approach, along with its hand-held devices, completely changing the way people live, work, and communicate.  Continue reading

Rhapsody in Blue – Breakthrough Moment in American Art & Culture: Feb. 12, 1924

By Edith Hathaway ©2017

There are cultural flashpoints in every era. And since musical tastes typically take the longest to develop, flashpoints may be recognized at the time as such. But they can also take many more decades before their impact is fully understood. One such moment was on Feb. 12, 1924 at a concert in New York City, now referred to as “a defining event of the Jazz Age and the cultural history of New York City.” (Wikipedia: Aeolian Hall) The concert became known as a “jazz concert” only years after the event. It was also the world premiere of George Gershwin’s Rhapsody in Blue. Up to that time, Gershwin was largely unknown to the classical music world. Continue reading

PRINCE OF BROADWAY – LIN-MANUEL MIRANDA brings Alexander Hamilton to (musical) life

By Edith Hathaway © 2016

On a recent trip to the Caribbean, and while staying on the beautiful island of Nevis, I learned that Alexander Hamilton was born there – a surprise to me and perhaps to many people. So we had to visit his birthplace and the museum there. Coincidentally, upon our return to the U.S., Public television was showing a documentary film on the Broadway musical Hamilton by Lin-Manuel Miranda. He in turn was inspired by Ron Chernow’s biography of Hamilton, first published April 26, 2004. The musical Hamilton had its World premiere on Jan. 20, 2015 at the Public Theater, New York City and its Broadway debut on Aug. 6, 2015. Continue reading



When most astrologers predicted Hillary Clinton as winner in 2016, using both East & Western techniques and classical rules, it did not turn out as planned.  Astrology did not work the way it normally works – at least I can say that for sure using Vedic astrology.  I think all along was the revolutionary component that had to be considered and that would shatter all the usual rules we follow, including astrological rules – such as that Trump would lose in the last sub-period of his 18-year Rahu Dasha, which is normally the case.  Continue reading

Election 2016 Update : Oct. 28, 2016

  • By Edith Hathaway © 2016


In Dec. 2015 I predicted that the Democrats would keep the White House in 2016 and that the likely Republican nominee was Donald Trump, out of a field of 17 GOP nominees.  (Click here for the article.)  I also noted that due to the timing to Trump’s birth chart, especially being at the tail end of his 18-year Rahu Dasha (a Vedic planetary period), and losing the protection of transiting Jupiter in sidereal Leo from Aug. 12, 2016, his chances of reaching the presidency would diminish noticeably from that time onward. Continue reading

ELECTION 2016 UPDATE : Sept. 28, 2016

By Edith Hathaway © 2016



The first 2016 Presidential debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump surpassed all previous records for U.S. Presidential debates. It was viewed by some 80.9 million people, plus another four million or more via live streaming and other media venues. This superseded the previous record Oct. 28, 1980 – at 80.6 million – for the one televised debate between Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan. For the 2016 debate, most television audiences watched Continue reading

ELECTION 2016 UPDATE: Aug. 28, 2016

By Edith Hathaway ©2016



Donald Trump is still at the epicenter of the 2016 U.S. Election. Though he is currently ca. 6 % points behind Clinton in national polls, no other presidential candidate can match him for sheer entertainment value. He knows how to keep the spotlight focused on him, whether positive or negative.  We will shortly cover his progression from glorious media darling to the candidate many media organizations now want to bury. But when he announced his presidential candidacy on June 16, 2015, complete with all the fanfare at Trump Plaza in New York, and only one day after the expected GOP front-runner Jeb Bush announced his candidacy, pundit Ian Bremmer headlined it this way: “How Donald Trump Stole Jeb Bush’s Moment.” This was both correct and prescient. Continue reading


By Edith Hathaway © 2016









Political rhetoric has reached new boiling points during the 2016 Election season. Intense hatred for Hillary Clinton on the Republican side is matched by intense fear of a Donald Trump presidency on the Democratic side. The difference is that pro-Trump supporters may now be surpassing pro-Clinton supporters in their fervor. Continue reading

Election Update: June 27, 2016

 by Edith Hathaway © 2016


Nationwide election fraud in the 2016 U.S. Election season to date may exceed anything yet known in American history. Yet this top story in 2016 is conspicuously absent from corporate news headlines, even if numerous voting “irregularities” were reported in many states. The fraud is believed to have occurred throughout the Democratic primaries, where – in state after state – the alleged vote rigging systematically shifted votes to Hillary Clinton from Bernie Sanders, who should have been the real winner in the primaries.        Continue reading

Satguru Sivananda Murty, 1928-2015 – A Tribute

by Edith Hathaway, © 2016

vizak2 (9)

Sivananda Murty

[This article is a slightly edited and amended version of the one that appears in the June-July  2016 issue of Sapatha magazine, a bi-lingual (English and Telugu) bi-monthly magazine from India.  This issue is dedicated to Satguru Sivananda Murty at the one year anniversary of his passing on June 10, 2015 at age 87.  Sivananda Murty is a revered spiritual master with many followers across India and around the world.  Vedic astrologer K.N. Rao wrote this about him on Oct. 11, 2005:  Continue reading

U.S. Presidential Election 2016


by Edith Hathaway © 2016


The exact Jupiter-Saturn square coincides with a U.S. Presidential Election year every 20 years, and we can make certain observations about what this configuration means for Election 2016 and for previous U.S. Presidential Elections.  For most of 2016, Jupiter and Saturn are transiting in a mutual square relationship, in this case the last quarter square prior to the JU-SA conjunction in Dec. 2020.  In 2016 there are two exact squares, March 23 and May 26, 2016.   This theme was first introduced in my article “Trump it Up” (Dec. 21, 2015):            Continue reading

Election 2016 Update: Feb. 26, 2016

by Edith Hathaway © 2016


As we look at the U.S. Presidential primary races and caucuses in late Feb. 2016, we see how themes from 2015 keep reiterating themselves: The voting public is guided in one direction by corporate media (to support establishment politics, keep the corporate-oligarchy dominant, and give the illusion of consensus). But the current planetary configurations indicate that the larger public is becoming more dissatisfied with the status quo, especially regarding financial inequality, and therefore more anti-establishment. They want a candidate who will fight for them and not for establishment politics, which has only widened the already historic inequality gap. This in turn challenges Big Media, which is invested in keeping the status quo and has moved towards the Right since becoming more and more consolidated, from 1983.  Continue reading

ELECTION 2016 UPDATE: Jan. 28, 2016

by Edith Hathaway © 2016

Big Planetary Indicators in January 2016

There are FOUR MAJOR PLANETARY SIGNATURES just three weeks prior to the Iowa caucuses on Feb 1, 2016. This event, in turn, launches the four-month long primary season to decide the presidential nominees for the two major U.S. political parties. These planetary markers indicate what is to come shortly in the more critical portion of the early presidential campaign period. In fact they are already showing their influence as of early January 2016.  Continue reading