By Edith Hathaway © 2023
The senses (horses) desire pleasurable things. The mind (reins) is not exercising restraint on the senses (horses). The intellect (charioteer) submits to the pull of the reins (mind). So in the materially bound state, the bewildered soul does not direct the intellect in the proper direction.
Chapter 3, Verse 43 – Bhagavad Gita
In the Vedic chart the mind is viewed from the Moon, which is considered much more important in Eastern philosophy and astrology than the Sun. Thus, the study of the Moon-ruled Cancer Ascendant chart provides an excellent opportunity to observe the workings of the Moon, as ruler over the both the physical and emotional realms. As the Bhagavad Gita reminds us, only the mind can rein in the senses. The charioteer cannot be successful otherwise, nor the soul. Continue reading