By Edith Hathaway © 2024
As we march rapidly towards arguably the most consequential Presidential election in U.S. history on Nov. 5, 2024, we observe the specter of totalitarianism closing in around us, notably in the form of censorship as an accepted way of life in the Western world. Closely intertwined is the sense that U.S. elections are no longer fair or secure. There is much evidence to confirm this fact, including now the threat of non-citizens voting in our elections, no voter ID of any kind required in 14 states (including CA and NY), and millions of non-citizens being intentionally flooded into the U.S. since Jan. 2021 – a veritable state-sponsored invasion. Most recently, over 430,00 convicted criminals were released into the U.S., and the first-ever non-citizen has now become law enforcement in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Do we remember this is how the Roman Empire went down? (See Elon Musk’s new 2-minute ad released Sept. 15, 2024.)
This ad by Elon Musk is of particular importance since the increased unlimited mass migration into the U.S. and other countries is one of various hot topics increasingly censored or contorted by establishment media and their Globalist allies. They want people not to believe their lying eyes and ears and to “adjust” to the new situation.
Globalists have actively sought to implement their policies all around the world, with the United Nations leading the charge. This became more obvious in 2015 with the full-court press towards unlimited mass migration, and in 2020-2021 with the spread of Covid 19 and the mandated lockdowns and mass vaccinations dictated by the World Health Organization. Globalists see national sovereignty and populism as a threat to multi-national corporate and cartel interests. With the U.S. Open Border, drug and human trafficking cartels have made over $13 billion per year on average from 2021 to 2024, up from $500 million per year in 2018; thus the need to dictate who will govern those nations and crack down on citizens’ rights and freedoms, especially in the United States.
To make this all feel more legitimate they have redefined democracy as “a consensus of institutions” rather than a consensus of individual citizens, as firmly established in The U.S. Constitution. According to this Globalist doctrine, the institutions include government institutions, NGO institutions, media institutions, and any private sector companies. They are all part of this nation-destroying project.
In fall 2024 many U.S. citizens are concerned how much key information will be censored or falsified in the mainstream media, just as in fall 2020 prior to the last U.S. Presidential election, when a clearly Nationalist/Populist candidate (Trump) faced off against a clearly Globalist candidate (Biden). The situation is repeated in 2024, with the Harris-Walz team representing an even stronger Globalist point of view and definitely pro-censorship. Globalists see the rights of individual citizens as pesky problems when they oppose Globalist priorities; thus, more and more they seek control over our national elections, and they use censorship and/or propaganda to achieve their goals, just as in Communist-ruled nations such as China, and now Brazil.
However, U.S. citizens do not expect to be censored on X (formerly Twitter), since Elon Musk has vowed to keep X open to Free Speech no matter what, unlike its former owner Jack Dorsey, who caved under government pressure. After Elon Musk purchased Twitter in Oct. 2022 it soon became clear from the voluminous Twitter files that Dorsey and his staff had been colluding with FBI leaders, constantly conferring about what citizens and/or journalists to censor – thus a total assault on First Amendment rights as guaranteed in The U.S. Constitution. Yet there were no subsequent repercussions for Jack Dorsey or the many traitorous collaborators. Much of the same censorship occurred across many major social media platforms as well as search engines (Google) and YouTube (owned by Google.) And now Google partners with the U.N. to silence those not agreeing with their Globalist goals.
In Aug. 2024 Mark Zuckerberg (owner of Facebook/Meta) stated at U.S. Congressional hearings that he and his company were forced to bend to repeated pressure from the FBI to censor damaging information about the Biden family in fall 2020 that would have impacted the Nov. 2020 election. (The FBI warned that the Hunter Biden laptop info. was “Russian disinformation” when they knew it was authentic.) Further, Zuckerberg said that in 2021 the federal government, including the White House itself repeatedly pressured the social media giants to suppress information about the whole Covid pandemic, when we now know – as many knew then – that the risks were being grossly exaggerated and the opinions of respected doctors about effective alternative treatments were being suppressed, along with legitimate concerns about the safety of the vaccines.
Elon Musk supports Donald Trump as U.S. Presidential candidate in part because of his strong stance against censorship. He was also impressed with how Trump showed real leadership qualities when shot at by a would-be assassin July 13, 2024. Musk is joined by two other former leading Democrats – Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard – who like him are staunchly aligned against censorship and against most unnecessary foreign wars. They all understand how the war machine needs wars to keep war lords wealthy and nations and citizens subservient.
Against this backdrop of an historic realignment, many on the Left are confused, dazed and angry to have lost Musk, Kennedy and Gabbard to the other side. And now the predictable lawfare against each of them has begun. Meanwhile, we have a weak incumbent president, and U.S. and U.K. leaders speeding their nations towards potential wars at an alarming rate and without consulting Congress. The Globalists are desperate to do anything to maintain control and prevent a Trump victory in November. Coincidentally, on Sept. 15, 2024 there was a second assassination attempt on Trump within 2 months, this time at his golf course in West Palm Beach, Florida. Thus far we know that both assassins were Leftist anti-Trumpers.
Co-founder and CEO of Telegram, Pavel Durov feels equally adamant about keeping his popular messaging app open and free. Telegram is a competitor of Facebook’s WhatsApp, but Telegram has a higher degree of encryption. Its messages and user data cannot be shared with the parent company and its users can communicate without government interference. But given the current showdown between Nationalists/Populists and Globalists across the world, both of these top tech tycoons are in for quite a battle.
“The U.S. State Dept. is coercing foreign governments to shut down X operations around the world until X censors everyone the State Dept. wants censored…. The EU Digital Services Act… is the no. 1 existential threat to Elon and to X. This law just came into effect in the EU after years of pressure from NATO to advance this. [It] goes beyond the typical European Hate speech laws and creates a new category for disinformation. It requires all social media platforms to do disinformation compliance…. It’s sort of this censorship mercenary ecosystem created to protect noble lies.” Mike Benz, Director, Foundation For Freedom Online, Aug. 30, 2024
Elon Musk has moved his X and SpaceX headquarters from California to Texas, and currently has 20 bodyguards. He is currently free, but receiving serious threats regarding X from Brazil and elsewhere, notably the European Union. Musk is in danger of losing his largest market for X in the EU, with its population of 500 million, larger than the U.S., as he is presently in non-compliance with the EU’s new Digital Services Act. There is a 6% global revenue fine for anyone who fails to comply.
The U.S. State Dept. should oppose this serious infringement on a U.S.-based company, especially given the principles of The U.S. Constitution and its First Amendment. But the Biden-Harris administration has a Globalist orientation that defies The U.S. Constitution. They push censorship programs specifically through the U.S. State Dept. and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). The EU Commissioner even tried to block Elon Musk’s live 2-hour interview with Donald Trump on Aug. 12, 2024. Musk received a warning beforehand, but he refused to comply or to censor any of it, calling himself “a Free Speech Absolutist.” He also invited Kamala Harris to join him on X, but so far she has declined most interviews since becoming a Presidential candidate.
Elon Musk
Brief review of How to Read a North and South Indian chart. Underlined planets are in retrograde motion.
As you might expect, Elon Musk has a phenomenal chart for an entrepreneur and an outstanding inventor in our current Information Age. (The Information Age was ushered in with a set of triple Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions in Virgo in 1980-81, bringing us laptop computers, cell phones and the Internet.) Musk’s Jupiter-Saturn opposition is one of the hallmarks of an entrepreneur, and his Gemini Ascendant is heightened by Ascendant lord Mercury conjoined the Ascendant within an orb of 25’, or less than half a degree.
This is excellent especially for Mercury, which achieves Digbala (best possible angle) in the Ascendant. Further, Mercury is also in its own sign, so produces a Maha Purusha Bhadra yoga. This further distinguishes Mercury, planet of the intellect and of communications, giving it extra strength and significance. Mercury is in Jupiter-owned Punarvasu nakshatra, which gives him a lot to say, much of it controversial and at times abrasive, due to Jupiter situated in the 6th house of conflict and an exceptionally strong Mars. Both planets aspect (influence) the 2nd house of speech. A strong Mars can also give exceptional courage and daring. Recently Musk has had a long-running feud with Brazil’s Supreme Court Judge Alexandre de Moraes over numerous matters, including about the outcome of the 2022 Brazilian election. Musk calls him Brazil’s “Darth Vader,” but de Moraes is in a position to push digital compliance and to impose fines on Musk.
Mercury is so close to the Ascendant that the combination repeats in the Navamsha chart, though now no longer in Mercury’s sign, but in Aries. However the assertive speech is confirmed by Navamsha Mars aspecting Mercury and by the mutual exchange of planetary energy with the mutual exchange of sign lords between Navamsha Mercury and Mars (a Parivartana yoga). Natal Mercury is slightly weakened by being combust (close) to the Sun, but it is an 8°11’ orb and separating. When assessing combustion, Mercury ahead of the Sun by more than 5° is always stronger, as here.
Gemini is an AIR sign associated with Vaishyas, the mercantile or business class, who desire to make contact with other people and make profits. The person with this Ascendant is often obsessed to share knowledge about a particular subject. They want to make it accessible above all, and with Mercury in the Ascendant they love to talk. The dual sign Ascendant and two key planets there (Sun and Ascendant lord Mercury) gives versatility, adaptability, and many varied interests. Physical vitality is also assured, especially when you factor in his strong Mars, which we will discuss shortly.
With the Dual sign Ascendant, and so many interests and abilities, the big challenges in life often involve narrowing down the choices to one career, one mate, one way of doing things. Musk has displayed all these life traits and has an urgent need to solve many problems seemingly at once. He goes in several directions simultaneously, as with his companies in widely differing fields. His versatility and marketing skills are legendary, as is his business acumen, with his natal Mars adding a high level of boldness to all of this.
Musk’s relationships with friends, colleagues, ex-wives, romantic partners, and children are complicated by his complete and relentless focus on his visionary business enterprises. But he remains close to his mother and two siblings, a younger brother and sister (Mars = siblings), who though both successful – as are the parents – all agree Elon is the genius in the family. His mother says it became apparent by the time he was 3 years old and asking questions like “Where is the rest of the world?” He would also try to reason with her. His father is a retired engineer, businessman and politician in South Africa who was reportedly abusive both verbally and physically. The parents divorced when the children were young and Elon says he was also bullied at school. From an early age he recognized he had an obsessive kind of personality and a need to solve problems, especially technological ones.
The Man for Mars
Natal Mars at 27°26’ Capricorn is very close to its degree of maximum exaltation at 28° Capricorn and within 1°04’ of its Stationary degree at 28°30’ Capricorn. This is a very powerful position for Mars, giving it even more strength than Mercury, especially with its close conjunction to Rahu (the north lunar node). Rahu expands and exaggerates the effects of any planet in the same sign, especially the closer it is degree-wise, as here. Rahu can also destabilize other planets – in this case on the money axis of House 2 and 8. But since Rahu is Saturn-like and the two planets are in a Saturn-owned sign, it heightens the revolutionary power of an already very strong and competitive Mars. The Mars-Saturn connection repeats in the Navamsha chart, with the two planets in opposition. A Mars-Saturn confluence can bring revolution in the social and political realm. All of Musk’s companies have had that effect.
Mars resides not only in Saturn-ruled Capricorn in its sign of exaltation, but in Dhanishta nakshatra, a Mars-ruled nakshatra associated with great wealth and fame. By the end of his 7-year Mars Dasha in 2012 his wealth at age 41 had surpassed the $1 billion mark. Today his net worth is at $264 billion, making him the richest man in the world. Queen Elizabeth II of England had Mars at 28°02’ Capricorn in her 2nd house of financial income, closely conjoined Jupiter. This is within 2’ orb of the maximum exaltation degree, reflecting the vast wealth of the British royal family in real estate and private assets.
Mars is also the warrior/pioneer planet and a planet of physical vitality. Since Mars is the sign lord of Musk’s natal Jupiter in Scorpio, and Saturn’s sign lord Venus is well placed in its own sign of Taurus, the entrepreneurial combination of Jupiter opposite Saturn is further enhanced. Notice how the astronomical reality of Mars also plays into this. As Musk told a reporter for The Guardian in 2013:
“The key thing for me is to develop the technology to transport large numbers of people and cargo to Mars.” This is one of the goals of his SpaceX program, which says at its website: “Today SpaceX is actively developing the technologies to make [exploring the stars] possible, with the ultimate goal of enabling human life on Mars.”
In his Navamsha chart, the Mars factor is also noteworthy, with Mercury and Mars in an exchange of signs (and planetary energy), a Parivartana yoga, as mentioned earlier. Mercury is in Mars-ruled Aries, and Mars is in Mercury-ruled Virgo. They are in an uneasy 6-8 house relationship and considered classical planetary enemies, so this gives some natural tension and combativeness to his competitive nature. It also gives Elon his sharp wit, his tendency to be unafraid to debate anyone, and most of all – his exceedingly rapid mental capacities which envision new ways of doing business, travel, and communications. A voracious reader from childhood, his chief fascination is with technology and engineering. He describes his ongoing cascade of ideas as a kind of never-ending storm inside his head. He often says he doesn’t think others would like being inside his head!
In addition to the excellent placement of Mercury for the Gemini Ascendant chart and many other positive factors we have discussed, the crowning glory of protection to this chart are the 3 Viparita Raja yogas – all of them from his Gemini Ascendant. This yoga occurs when lords of the Dusthana houses (Houses 6, 8, and 12) are located in their own or one of the other Dusthana houses from either the Ascendant or the Moon. It is especially notable when you have all 3 of them. (Microsoft founder Bill Gates has all 3 from his natal Moon.) With Musk, the 6th lord Mars is situated in the 8th house and exalted to the maximum degree; 8th lord Saturn is in a friend’s sign in the 12th house; and 12th lord Venus in Taurus is in its own sign and house.
With the Viparita Raja yoga, there is a rise in status, gain in wealth, and increased protection from adversities, especially if all three yogas are present from either Moon or Ascendant. They enhance material prospects but do not necessarily protect the physical body. Especially effective during their Dasha periods, planets involved in this yoga may indicate a sudden and unexpected rise in life.
Personal Risk of Financial Loss?
The Viparita Raja yogas are key factors in protecting Musk against major financial losses, together with his powerful Mars to fight off competitors and detractors. As mentioned earlier, he was a billionaire by age 41 and is currently the world’s richest man at age 53, with a net worth of $264 billion. He is projected to become the world’s first-ever trillionaire by 2027, with Forbes listing the source of his wealth from Tesla and SpaceX, though he also owns several other companies, including X. Even so, he is currently under siege by the increasingly giant censorship industry. The EU Digital Services Act in particular threatens to cause him enormous expense for X. He is currently in non-compliance and unless he complies with censorship demands he may be fined 6% of his global revenue, which for X would be enormous.
Also, the Brazilian government has frozen his assets in Starlink for non-compliance with censorship demands on X in that country. (Starlink is Musk’s satellite broadband company that links customers to X.) But as of late Sept. 2024 this is close to being resolved. Musk has agreed to comply by removing so-called “offensive content,” much of it supporting former President and opposition candidate Jair Bolsonaro. Musk’s fines total around $5.8 million for not being in compliance with Brazil’s new censorship rules. These rules are as applied by Brazil’s Supreme Court, though not in line with the nation’s Constitution. This battle has been going on for most of 2024. After he pays the fines, Musk will be allowed to operate his X platform in Brazil.
What the natal Viparita Raja yogas tell us is that Musk is unlikely to incur losses that will be severe enough to ruin him financially. Current and upcoming transits of Jupiter, Saturn, Venus and Mars support this outcome, as does his current Vimshottari Dasha period. Given his strong belief in Free Speech, it tends to indicate he will back down as little as possible, and only if no other options remain. Musk is in Rahu-Venus period through Nov. 14, 2026. This bodes well for him, perhaps even through use of a charm offensive. Not only does Venus in Taurus participate in the financially protective Viparita Raja yoga, but Venus is a Raja yoga karaka (king-maker significator) for the Gemini Ascendant chart.
Timing-wise, on Oct. 9, 2024, classic benefic Jupiter turns Stationary Retrograde within 1°13’ orb of natal Venus, the other classic benefic planet. When Venus and Jupiter conjoin in one sign it usually shows abundance or even excess, as they do in his Navamsha 5th house of children and speculation. He has 12 children to date (from 2002 to 2024) and several companies he owns, after initial investments in those companies. Tr. Jupiter continues in sidereal Taurus up to May 15, 2025. When tr. Jupiter moves into Gemini, it has even more positive influence in Musk’s chart, with 6 out of 8 bindus in the Sarva Ashtakavarga system.
Tr. Rahu and Ketu continue up to May 18, 2025 on the Pisces-Virgo axis, his 10th and 4th houses, respectively. Eclipses in the 10th house can enhance visibility and status, if nothing is afflicted. He has no planets in the 10th house and natal Jupiter aspects its own house, adding to its strength. From Jan. 18 to May 31, 2025 tr. Venus will be in Pisces in its sign of exaltation in his 10th house – a 4 ½ month stretch. This supports his Rahu-Venus period in a very positive way and hints that if Trump wins the presidential election, Musk will have even more prominence nationally. An exalted planet can bring extraordinary results. Trump wants him to be involved as some kind of “efficiency expert” in his new administration and Musk has indicated his readiness to establish a Dept. of Government Efficiency (DOGE). Venus exalted in Pisces in the 10th house can also indicate some acts of sacrificial devotion towards one’s life/career goals.
Tr. Venus will turn retrograde in Pisces March 2 through April 13, 2025. This could be a more complex period for Musk, including regarding his children (as lord of his 5th house), his intellectual properties, and/or his love life. But generally an exalted Venus in the 10th house of status and career is very positive, especially as the current Dasha sub-lord and in the same sign as tr. Rahu, the Dasha lord and occurring in his Rahu-Venus period.
The current transit of Saturn in his 9th house is favorable. Tr. Saturn’s passage through the top of the chart (Houses 9, 10, and 11) is generally the top of the cycle for career and status. In Musk’s case, after tr. Saturn leaves the top of the chart from the Gemini Ascendant, it enters Houses 10 and 11 from the vantage point of natal Moon, taking him out to May 30, 2032. This prolongs his public prominence and should be protective.
More Focus on Mars
When discussing Mars, the warrior planet and planet of action, we should always remember the Sanskrit word Mangala, one of several Sanskrit words for Mars, meaning “auspicious action.” Auspiciousness in the Vedic sense relates to a pure motive, doing the action for what is needed, not for the expected personal rewards. The Bhagavad Gita contains much guidance on this subject.
Tr. Mars is in either Gemini or Cancer for a total of 9 ½ months starting Aug. 26, 2024. Tr. Mars in either sign aspects (influences) Musk’s natal Mars-Rahu in Capricorn and triggers this highly potent planetary duo in his chart. It indicates that he is the one initiating forceful action or providing some major counterpunches to fight back. We have already seen this with his actions to counter Brazil’s orders to ban X in that country in Aug. and Sept. 2024.
Tr. Mars is dominant in the Gemini Ascendant, and though not a friend of Ascendant lord Mercury and not in a favorable sign for Mars in general, it pushes him into aggressive action and/or speech, as needed, showing him more in a command position than in a receiver position, though he may be severely tested. Since his natal Sun and Mercury are both in the Ascendant, his physical body and his speech are enlivened and emboldened by the Mars transit in Gemini. This continues with tr. Mars in Cancer in his 2nd House of speech and financial income. Below is a summary of the relevant Mars transit dates:
Tr. Mars in Gemini: Aug. 26 to Oct. 20, 2024; Jan. 20 to April 2, 2025.
Tr. Mars in Cancer: Oct. 20, 2024 to Jan. 20, 2025; April 2, to June 7, 2025.
Tr. Mars retrograde: Dec. 6, 2024 to Feb. 24, 2025. Mars SR 11°58’ Cancer; Mars SD 22° 49’ Gemini
Tr. Mars at a faster orbital speed can do more damage. Fortunately, from late Sept. 2024 to June 2025, tr. Mars travels at a slower than average speed, and this enables Mars to act in a more productive, balanced way. A retrograde planet is also closer to the earth and considered to have more impact at that time.
The previous lengthy transit of Mars in Gemini was from Sept. 16, 2007 to April 29, 2008 – during his 7-year Mars Dasha. This coincided with a very productive but also fraught period for Musk. In 2008 his first marriage to Canadian author Justine Wilson Musk came to an end after 8 years and 6 children, the first of whom died in infancy. Business-wise, there was some turbulence in 2008-2009 in the process of securing enough financing to keep Tesla alive financially. Some say it was both Musk’s ambition and sheer force of will that saved Tesla and brought it to the forefront of the industry. To surmount all the considerable obstacles he was both despot and savior, even if a visionary despot.
The same factors are at play during this current transit of Mars in Gemini, except that Musk is now in Rahu-Venus period. And with the upcoming 4-month transit of Venus in Pisces in his 10th house (Jan. 28 to May 31, 2025), these business issues should resolve in Musk’s favor, or at least with as little damage as possible to his business empire.
Tr. Mars in the Ascendant opposes the 7th house of business and marriage partnership, so can be said to be a notable astrological factor in the breakup of his first marriage. Justine was his college sweetheart in Canada, whom he courted with great persistence, as is his style. He doesn’t take “no” for an answer, and has said about love matters: “If I’m not in love, if I’m not with a long-term companion, I cannot be happy.” He soon moved on to his next partner, dating British actress Talulah Riley, whom he married in 2010, divorced in 2012, remarried in 2013, finally divorcing in 2016. The Gemini Ascendant person is definitely sexually oriented and Musk has seemed to practice serial monogamy.
Accumulation of Extraordinary Wealth
Timing-wise, due to the maximum exalted Mars, his 7-year Mars Dasha (Vimshottari) was bound to accelerate his pioneering projects and the buildup of his wealth, including working closely with his younger brother Kimbal on certain projects (Mars = siblings). Mars Dasha ran from April 26, 2005 to April 26, 2012, and was followed by the equally favorable 18-year Rahu Dasha, taking him out to April 26, 2030.
By the end of his Mars Dasha in 2012 his wealth at age 41 had surpassed the $1 billion mark. Prior to that, during his 10-year Moon Dasha, he made $307 million by age 27 in 1999 when he sold his web software company, Zip2. In the same year Musk co-founded a company that would become PayPal, a digital financial services company which in turn was sold in 2002 for $3.2 billion. His share from the deal was $160 million.
The sale of PayPal enabled Musk to found SpaceX on March 14, 2002 and invest heavily in Tesla in Jan. and Feb. 2004, becoming Tesla CEO in Feb. 2004 and soon product architect. (Tesla was first incorporated July 1, 2003.) His involvement with Tesla began in his favorable Moon-Venus period: Feb. 25, 2003 to Oct. 26, 2004. Natal Venus is placed in the favorable 10th house from natal Moon, which is also in Venus-owned Purva Phalguni nakshatra. In the Navamsha chart Moon conjoins Venus and Jupiter in 5th house of speculation. Signaling yet further confluence of auspicious factors was tr. Venus exalted in Pisces Feb. 3 – 29, 2004. Thus, the Raja yogakaraka Venus was activated on several levels, delivering its karmic fruits as promised in the birth and Navamsha charts.
Musk’s 10-year Moon Dasha began April 27, 1995. Just 6 ½ months later, on Nov. 9, 1995, he established Zip2, his first serious business venture with his brother Kimbal. (Mars=sibling and Elon’s natal Moon in Leo is in the 3rd house of younger sibling). They sold the business in 1999 for $307 million. In addition to his own businesses, Kimbal is also on the board of Tesla and SpaceX and owns substantial shares of Tesla.
At age 53, Elon Musk is currently the wealthiest man in the world and owner of 3 major companies: X (formerly Twitter), Tesla, and SpaceX. For this, we expect to see Dhana yogas of wealth and we do, notably from his natal Moon in Leo. First of all, Moon is Vargottama, repeating in the same sign in the Navamsha chart. This gives strength to a planet. Being in a fixed sign gives a more steady, unwavering and also stubborn mind, though it is aspected by Mars from its 8th house aspect. Since Mars is exalted and conjoined Rahu, this may account for some of that cascade of ideas and the relentless mental onslaught Musk describes. Mars brings heat and speed to the mind (Moon).
Further, the Moon produces a Dhana yoga of wealth in the Navmasha 5th house conjoined with Jupiter and Venus. This also gives the capacity for charming, clever and playful mind. In both charts the Moon is in the 2nd house (of speech, financial income) from the one it owns, which is beneficial for 2nd house matters. In the birth chart, natal Sun and Mercury are in the 11th house of financial gains from Moon. With Jupiter’s aspect to the Navamsha Ascendant, there is protection to the physical body. Navamsha Jupiter’s aspect to Mercury assures abundance of speech; and as we know, Elon Musk always has a lot to say.
Because of this, it is unsurprising to see that the first highly successful period of Elon Musk’s business ventures was during his 10-year Moon Dasha from April 27, 1995. It preceded his 7-year Mars Dasha and provided the funds for even larger projects. This included Elon’s first business venture with his brother Kimbal, established in Nov. 1995 and coincides with tr. Saturn’s entry into Pisces June 3, 1995 thru mid-April 1998 – Elon’s 10th house – and the best house for career success during Saturn’s 29.6 year orbit around the Sun. That same Saturn transit recurs March 30, 2025 through June 3, 2027. Tr. Saturn is also well placed now in his 9th house. It does not indicate that he is likely to be destroyed by the demands of his adversaries, especially with tr. Mars in either Gemini or Cancer.
The career and status of Elon Musk is enhanced by the strong Jupiter opposite Saturn conjoined with Venus in the 10th house from Moon. Jupiter in an angular house from the Moon gives popularity with the public (Gaja Kesari yoga). This occurs in both the birth and Navamsha charts, so twice confirmed. Also, in the birth chart the 10th house of career and status is ranked at 36 bindus (points). Anything above 30 bindus is above average, so this is excellent for 10th house matters. The 11th house of financial gains has 35 bindus. His 10th house (Pisces) is owned by Jupiter and aspected by Jupiter in Scorpio, further strengthening it. Jupiter also aspects the 2nd house of income, and since the WATER element is the most expansive, it amplifies Jupiter’s already expansive effect, which can bring abundance.
We will now examine the company chart of X (formerly Twitter) and see how Elon is managing under the extreme pressure of censorship from both Brazil and the EU and its new censorship law, The EU Digital Services Act.
The Merger of Twitter with X Corp.
Brief review of How to Read a North and South Indian chart. Underlined planets are in retrograde motion.
(Special thanks to Steve Stuckey for researching this merger data.)
“We love that Elon Musk bought Twitter. We thought it was a great development for a number of reasons. Twitter under X is at least trying to innovate. That’s something we didn’t have outside of Telegram and a few other companies for the last 10 years…. I think we need more companies like that.” Pavel Durov in his interview with Tucker Carlson, May 2024
“The overarching goal for the X platform is to be the best source of truth in the world. It’s difficult to get the perfect truth and sometimes people have different interpretations of truth, but one can always aspire to be as accurate as possible and to minimize the error between what is being said and reality. So relentless pursuit of the truth is the goal of X, and allowing people to say what they want to say, even if it’s controversial – provided that it does not break the law. I think that’s the right thing to do.” Elon Musk, Sept. 14, 2024 on Star Investing YouTube Channel
Musk considers his “Community Notes” at X as the counter measure for false statements. He purchased the majority of Twitter stock on April 25, 2022, a process that began in Feb. 2022. He then finalized his purchase Oct, 27, 2022 at 8:49 pm PDT, announcing that “the bird is freed.” After a series of bitter disputes, the purchase price was set at $44 billion, after which Musk discovered that the number of users was greatly exaggerated through the use of bots, or fake accounts. The Oct. 2022 chart shows financial loss and the fact that Musk clearly overpaid, which others noted at the time, including Donald Trump. But this must be weighed against Musk’s natal chart, which has great protection against financial losses. And generally this chart above should have more sway as a documented corporate chart for X and its official merger of the former Twitter with Musk’s already existent X Corp. The official filing papers show the merger became effective Wednesday March 15, 2023 at 12 noon, Carson City, Nevada.
As with Elon Musk’s natal chart, the Twitter/X Corp. merger has a Gemini Ascendant, with – in this case – Mars in the Ascendant. Natal Mars and the Gemini Ascendant are both in Mars-ruled Mrigashira nakshatra. The Dual sign Ascendant gives versatility, adaptability, and the capacity to weather many changes, which is certainly needed here. The communications planet Mercury rules Gemini, while Mrigashira is symbolized by the deer’s head, and closely associated with the hunt, the quest, and fulfillment.
With Mars ruling the nakshatra there is naturally an action orientation. In fact once again, as with Elon Musk’s natal chart, Mars is the strongest ranked planet and indicates Musk’s hard driving force as a pioneer, inventor, entrepreneur, and leader in many areas of technological advancement. Musk’s statements on a number of topics, and his firm belief in meritocracy over diversity (DEI = being chosen for your race, skin color and/or sexual preference) has catapulted him into becoming a figure of greater social and political significance, especially after publicly supporting Donald Trump as of July 2024.
Ascendant lord Mercury is auspiciously placed in the 9th house of Bhagya (good fortune) and in the 29th degree of Aquarius, giving it Atma Karaka status. The planet at the highest degree is considered very important in the chart as significator of the soul or self. We note also that the merger takes place on Wednesday, Mercury’s planetary day, from sunrise Wednesday to sunrise Thursday. This gives Mercury more prominence on this day, which is good since this is a company dealing with communications – Mercury’s domain. The 9th house encompasses publishing, long distance travel and communications, while the 3rd house is short distance travel and writing. This 3-9 house axis is greatly served by Mercury’s position in the 9th house. In addition, Aquarius is co-ruled by Saturn and Rahu, and Rahu rules over the media.
Mercury is conjoined Saturn also in Aquarius. As ruler of Aquarius (and Capricorn), Saturn together with Mercury unites the lords of Houses 1 and 9, creating a Raja yoga (kingmaker yoga) and one among several Dhana yogas of wealth in the chart. Mercury’s domain is further expanded if it is aspected by Jupiter or connected with Jupiter in some way. In this case, there is a Nadi yoga between Mercury and Jupiter, i.e. an exchange of nakshatra lords. Mercury is situated in Jupiter-ruled Purva Bhadra nakshatra, and Jupiter is situated in Mercury-ruled Revati nakshatra. In Nadi Jyotisha the Nadi yogas are considered to have even more power than the exchange of sign lords (Parivartana yogas), as the nakshatras and their lords represent the more subtle, underlying forces at play. Purva Bhadrapada nakshatra is considered to give the power to raise the evolutionary level through purification. (In the more simplified charts shown here, the nakshatras are not listed, but are commonly available on any Vedic astrology software.)
Another extremely important yoga here is the Shubha Kartari yoga to the 10th house of status and reputation. This yoga is enormously protective for the new X entity. It occurs when two classical benefic planets straddle the houses directly adjacent to the 10th (or any) house. In this case the two benefic planets are Mercury and Venus. Another beneficial yoga comes into play, the Ubhayachari yoga, when planets other than Moon, Rahu or Ketu are situated in houses adjacent to the Sun. This yoga confers on the native (the corporate entity, in this case) a large network of friends and supporters, even if initially the number of users declines. Astrologically, this initial downturn may well reflect being at the tail end of Ketu Dasha since the official Twitter/X merger March 15, 2023. The end of a Dasha can bring losses, depending on various factors, and Ketu is not a materially oriented planet, as is Rahu. A much more favorable Dasha begins Jan. 9,2025. More on this shortly.
Statistics seem to differ widely on X Corp. According to one recent report (Sensor Tower), X usage in the U.S. decreased by 18% from Feb. 2023 to Feb. 2024, and by 23% from Musk’s acquisition, which could mean either April 25, 2022 when he acquired the majority of stock, or Oct. 27, 2022, when his purchase of Twitter was complete. But X Corp. CEO Linda Yaccarino reported only a 6% decrease over one year up to Jan. 2024, with 95.4 million X users in Jan. 2023, and 90 million X users in Jan. 2024 (probably U.S. only). Users spend an average of 30 minutes per day on X. As of Sept. 2024, worldwide there are 586 million monthly active X users and some 250 million daily X users. (Source: Demandsage)
In terms of leadership, the Sun (symbol of leadership) is located in the 10th house where it is Digbala (best possible angle) from the Ascendant, though in a very early degree of the sign Pisces. Natal Neptune at 0°55’ Pisces (not shown here) is within tight orb to natal Sun at 0°44’ Pisces, indicating an idealistic leader (Musk) and corporate goals, and hopefully not intoxicatingly so, given Neptune’s association with drugs, dreams, clouds and music. But we do know Elon Musk has a reputation as a visionary. Sun and Neptune are conjoined by the lord of the 10th house Jupiter, which is out of combustion range, thus not “burnt by the sun’s rays.” Since both the 9th and 10th houses are tenanted by their own house lords, this is an excellent indicator of strength and success. These 2 houses are critical for the success of a business.
Ordinarily the Sun-Neptune close contact could be a problem, but given some of these other positive factors, including that the Sun in the 10th house is Digbala (best possible angle), we see greater protection for both the Ascendant lord Mercury and for the 10th house, thus the viability of the company.
As new owner and CEO of X (formerly Twitter), Musk promptly cut the staff by 80%, and reportedly the company runs much better for it. His detractors were not so kind: “Musk took a wrecking ball to the Twitter culture,” said Susan Schreiner, founder and editor of C4Trends. The new iteration of Twitter has initially shed a number of users, as mentioned, and most if not all of these staff members were involved in “disinformation compliance,” i.e. censorship. And since Musk believes in freedom of speech, these staff members were unnecessary for the newly constituted company.
Donald Trump refers to Musk admiringly as a great “cost-cutter.” The 2nd house of financial income is ruled by the Moon, which is opposite Mars in Gemini. (Mars can cut and apply heat.) Moon and Mars in mutual aspect or conjoined also provide a Chandra Mangala yoga of wealth. Moon here is in the 7th house at 9°51’ Sagittarius, and not only close to the Galactic Center but close to the U.S. Ascendant (Kelleher chart) at 8°59’ Sagittarius. This indicates that X is closely aligned with the U.S. as established on July 4, 1776, and the principles of The U.S. Constitution which honors the rights and freedoms of American citizens as given by God. This Moon in an angular house to Jupiter forms a Gaja Kesari yoga, giving popularity. Moon is also the public and does well in an angular house, especially one of the visible houses above the horizon, and especially House 7 or 10.
Timing-wise, as with Musk’s natal chart, tr. Saturn moving through Houses 9, 10 and 11 over the next several years is very positive. Then Dasha-wise, on Jan. 9, 2025 the X Corp. entity enters its 20-year Venus Dasha. Since Venus is an excellent Raja yoga planet for the Gemini Ascendant chart, and since is well placed in both the birth and Navamsha charts, this bodes well for the continued success of X as of Jan. 2025. It also hints at a possible Trump victory, since we know that Trump will immediately enhance and protect Musk’s interests, while under a Harris-Walz administration X would be subject to increasing censorship constraints, both in the U.S. and elsewhere, as is happening now.
Venus in the corporate birth chart is situated in the 11th house conjoined Rahu by an 8° orb. Being on the eclipse axis gives some unpredictability and turbulence to Venus and its 20-year Dasha period. But since Venus is improved in the Navamsha chart in an angular house in its own sign (Taurus) and aspected by Jupiter, there is less chance that the eclipse axis will overwhelm Venus and its power to do good during its 20-year Dasha.
Pavel Durov
Durov preceded Musk’s entry into the social media field as co-founder and CEO of the Telegram Messenger platform, known as Telegram and founded Aug. 14, 2013 when Durov was 29. As of July 2024 it has over 950 million monthly active users worldwide, mostly in Europe, Asia and Africa, with India having the most users. As of late August 2024 his net worth is estimated to be $15.5 billion, making him the youngest and richest billionaire living in the Middle East, and the 120th richest person in the world.
Prior to co-founding Telegram with his brother Nikolai Durov, he and his brother co-founded the social media and messaging platform VK (VKontakte). It was launched Oct, 10, 2006 in Russia and incorporated Jan.17, 2007, just a few years after Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook, which initially launched at Harvard University Feb. 4, 2004 for student use only. By Dec. 2005 Facebook had 6 million active monthly users in universities and high schools. (Zuckerberg was born 5 months earlier in the U.S. on May 14, 1984, and Durov was often referred to as “Russia’s Mark Zuckerberg.” Coincidentally, Zuckerberg purchased WhatsApp (Telegram’s chief competitor) in Feb. 2014, 6 months after the initial launch of Telegram. Zuckerberg paid $19 billion for WhatsApp.
With Durov’s VK, however, the Russian government eventually took more interest in the Internet and started to place many restrictions on VK, especially after the protests in Russia in 2011. Durov refused to cooperate with Russian authorities and provide encrypted data of VK users. He was defiant, but Putin’s government cracked down on him and numerous armed guards showed up at his doorstep. So he was forced to sell his shares of VK and leave the country. He chose freedom over being under government control. He left Russia in 2014 and for his next residence he tried different locations around the world, eventually settling in Dubai, UAE. He chose it as a good place to do business with a minimum of bureaucratic or ideological restrictions.
“For me, it was never about getting rich. For me, everything in my life was about becoming free…. And to the extent that it was possible, my mission in life was to allow others to also be free. And using the platforms that we created, my hope was that they could express their freedom.” Pavel Durov, in his interview with Tucker Carlson, April 2024
Equally committed to Free Speech as Elon Musk, Durov’s platform has an especially advanced capacity for encryption, enabling it to escape the mass surveillance of totalitarian regimes and increasingly, Globalist entities such as the EU. As discussed earlier, the EU’s latest social media crackdown comes in the form of The EU Digital Services Act and its strict procedures regarding “disinformation” – which have already caused problems for Elon Musk, but even worse at the moment for Pavel Durov in terms of his personal freedom.
Durov was arrested as he made a jet fuel stop in France on Aug. 24, 2024, though he is a citizen of France, Russia, UAE, and the Caribbean island nation of St. Kitts and Nevis. His country of residence (UAE) even has an extradition treaty with France. He was detained for 4 days and then freed with bail set at €5 M ($5.6 M USD), though he cannot leave France as they prepare for his upcoming trial. He must also report twice weekly to a police station. The Telegram office sent this statement to TIME on Aug. 25, 2024:
“It is absurd to claim that a platform or its owner are responsible for abuse of that platform.” Speaking on this topic in a 2016 interview on CNN Durov said: “You cannot make it safe against criminals and open for governments. It’s either secure or not secure.”
Durov’s arrest involves a wide range of charges that Telegram’s users are conducting illicit activities. This then becomes a landmark case on the question of whether technology executives should be held accountable for the activities of their product’s users. Manufacturers of firearms or motor vehicles come to mind, both potentially lethal products, perhaps even more so when used improperly. But Free Speech is on the chopping block in the West, as tyranny threatens to replace any semblance of democracy.
The French courts say their charges against Durov are criminal and not related to the EU Digital Services Act. French President Macron also says it’s not “political,” which is a widespread accusation about this arrest. But as a Globalist, Macron seems unlikely to protect Durov just because of his French citizenship – which Durov has, in addition to having citizenship in several other countries. This is true especially if the Globalist elites want Durov jailed and silenced. According to the The NY Post “French officials allege Durov is complicit with global drug trafficking, pedophilia and fraud that run rampant on Telegram due to lack of moderation and the tools it offers, including cryptocurrencies.”
As a “Free Speech Absolutist” Elon Musk has spoken out strongly in support of Pavel Durov, and they support each other in championing the protection of Free Speech. The Russian authorities, though they themselves tried to block Telegram in Russia in previous years, have expressed outrage that France would have such a double standard regarding freedom of speech.
Under The EU Digital Services Act Social media providers with a minimum of 45 million subscribers must follow strict procedures regarding “disinformation.” The Telegram platform reportedly has over 950 million monthly active users as of July 2024, but Durov says they are not all regular monthly users. Prior to his arrest, he had refused to conform to the rules of the new EU law. Here is what is stated on Telegram’s website:
“Telegram is committed to protecting user privacy and human rights such as freedom of speech and assembly…. It has played a prominent role in pro-democracy movements around the world, including in Iran, Russia, Belarus, Myanmar and Hong Kong.”
Brief review of How to Read a North and South Indian chart. Underlined planets are in retrograde motion.
Though Pavel Durov’s birth data is only Class C data at AstroDataBank, with accuracy in doubt, I think there is very good reason to trust it, or at least the Scorpio Ascendant, which runs from 11:30 am to 2:26 pm that day in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg), Russia. Also, at a birth time of 1:20 pm the Navamsha Ascendant is Sagittarius, which could also be correct and runs from 1:14 to 1:33 pm.
Scorpio Ascendant tends to have a secretive nature to some extent, especially with Ketu in the Ascendant – which adds an aura of mystery that is magnetically attractive to others. It draws them in while he himself remains mostly elusive. It may partly explain the astrology of why he wears only black clothing. When Tucker Carlson interviewed Durov in April 2024 in Dubai, it was the first interview Durov had done in 7 years. For a major figure in the social media industry, wealthy and successful at then age 39 and the sole private owner of a large social media platform, this is extraordinary in our times – except as Durov says in his interview with Tucker, he doesn’t like “the extra attention.” The latter is often coming from governments and their intelligence agencies, who want to find out what Durov is doing and how they can stop him from having total control over his deeply encrypted Telegram platform. They see Free Speech as dangerous, and they want control over it themselves. Scorpio is the very definition of hidden realms, wherever they may be.
Scorpio is a FIXED WATER sign, a bit of a paradox in and of itself, as astrologically WATER is emotional but not necessarily fixed in terms of being unmoved by many factors. WATER is what connects people to each other, including the two most watery planets – the Moon and Venus. Scorpio rules over the sex organs and joint or inherited finances. It has a deep interest in psychology, though often suffers from too much emotional input.
With a FIXED Ascendant there is a certain deep focus to the life, loyalty, steadiness, a desire to fulfill fixed goals and not get distracted from going after them. This is the positive side of Scorpio, while the negative side can be overly stubborn and unwilling to shift gears. This combined with a strong Moon in Pisces, another WATER sign and a sign of self-sacrifice, indicates that Durov is willing to sacrifice a lot to achieve his goals. He does not own houses, for instance, despite his great wealth. He does not drink alcohol or do drugs and is a vegetarian. He prefers to work towards his goals and he prefers to live alone, though he has been linked with various women, one most recently, which we will discuss shortly. She may even be implicated in his latest debacle in Paris.
Trouble in Paris – For How Long?
We will briefly discuss the timing of this arrest and how long this is likely to last. We note that tr. Saturn in Aquarius aspects the Scorpio Ascendant. This can feel very restrictive, especially when Saturn makes a station to his Ascendant. In fact tr. Saturn does turn Stationary Direct on Nov. 15, 2024 at 18°29’ Aquarius. This will be a very close 10th house aspect to his Ascendant at 17°54’ Scorpio (35’ orb), or just over half a degree. It could be decisive in determining Durov’s sentencing terms at that time, especially if this birth time proves to be correct or very close to it.
If this is the correct Ascendant for Durov, the timing does not look favorable for him for a speedy release or settlement. Tr. Saturn in the 4th house of his chart is the lowest point in the chart for status and career progress. Also, he is in Moon-Saturn period from Feb. 16. 2024 to Sept. 16. 2025. Natal Saturn is located in the 8th house from his Moon, indicating he may experience a loss during this sub-period of the Dasha, especially combined with the transit of Saturn. The last time tr. Saturn was in Scorpio he was forced to flee Russia, though I don’t have an exact date for his departure in 2014. Tr. Saturn was in sidereal Scorpio Nov. 3, 2014 to Oct. 27, 2017, except for 5 months in 2017 up to June 22, 2017. He was in Sun-Moon or Sun-Mars period for most of 2014, which was more favorable than Moon-Saturn period, where he is now up to Sept. 16, 2025.
He is also currently in his Sade Sati, a key 7 ½ year period when Saturn transits Houses 12, 1 and 2 from the Moon. Often Sade Sati coincides with a reckoning a person has to deal with about matters related to those houses, in his case Houses 4, 5, and 6, but especially House 5 (where natal Moon is located). House 5 rules over one’s creativity, intellect, love affairs, and/or children. As with Musk, Durov believes in populating the world, especially given falling birth rates and major fertility problems across the world. He has 5 children from 2 ex-girlfriends and has become a major sperm donor, contributing at least 100 times over a 15 year period. More on that shortly.
Meanwhile, his Sade Sati may have contributed to his making a major error about a love interest if his latest girlfriend caused him to be caught and arrested in Paris. The Saturn aspect to his Ascendant forces him to look at some truths about himself, while fighting the tyranny of censorship may require him to sacrifice his own freedom temporarily.
The Drama of 1989 in Personal & National Russian History
Many of the personality traits of this chart fit, as does his timing. In 1989 when he was 4 years old his family first left Russia to live in Turin, Italy, where his father accepted a prestigious academic post as a classicist scholar. This was also a year in which the former USSR was engulfed in revolutions, ending dramatically with the fall of the Berlin Wall Nov. 9, 1989, and with it the collapse of Soviet power in Eastern Europe. Durov spent his childhood in Italy, after which his family returned to Russia and he attended St. Petersburg State University. He studied linguistics and graduated in 2006.
For 5 months from May 20, 1989 Durov was in Ketu-Mars period, followed by Ketu-Rahu period, out to Nov. 4, 1990. As the eclipse axis, the Ketu-Rahu period reflects and repeats the potential turbulence in his life. (Even so, Ketu is considered exalted in Scorpio, and Rahu in Taurus, his natal positions.) Natal Ketu is in the Scorpio Ascendant, and Scorpio is co-ruled by Mars and Ketu. Natal Mars is in Sagittarius aspecting natal Moon in Pisces, i.e. possible upset to the home and family (Moon), also heating up the mind (Moon). Further, natal Mars is in Mula nakshatra ruled by Ketu, and a nakshatra known for its tendency to tear things down before they are built back up again. The ruling Vedic deity is Niritti, goddess of destruction. Ketu in the Ascendant, though secretive, tends to magnetize people to you, as there is an aura of mystery others want to pierce through.
Navamsha Mars is in Gemini in the 7th house, indicating that he may face some aggressive opposition periodically, as now. He also has Kuja Dosha due to the location of Mars. This brings potential afflictions to marital harmony unless he marries someone who also has Kuja Dosha. And though Durov says he prefers to live alone, this could change when he enters the 7-year Mars Dasha Nov. 16, 2029. Mars is Darakaraka (spouse indicator) in his chart, as planet of the lowest degree of celestial longitude. It is also conjoined Jupiter in its own sign Sagittarius in the birth chart, and in the 2nd house of financial income this is also positive as a Dhana yoga of wealth.
Intellectual Brilliance, Gifted Brother
The Durov parents put a lot of focus on intellectual development and academic achievement. Their father is known as a distinguished scholar in the classics and their mother played a prominent role in their lives. This is reflected in the strong Full Moon chart, a strong Sun (father) and strong Moon (mother) across the 5th – 11th house axis.
The chart should and does show intellectual brilliance as well as business acumen and success, great wealth, and the importance of a sibling, as with Elon Musk. Again, the latter is due to a strong, well-placed Mars (Mars = siblings; also courage, strength, including muscular strength, and warrior energy). In this case, Mars is also Durov’s Ascendant lord, so is descriptive of him personally. Durov has an excellent muscular physique and not shy of showing it off by going shirtless, though this was also a challenge he began in 2017 to Vladimir Putin, who is often himself photographed shirtless.
Continuing with Mars as sibling, Pavel’s older brother Nikolai has a double PhD in Mathematics, and his ability as a math genius was apparent from age 10 or earlier, though both brothers were math prodigies as children. Nikolai designed the encryption architecture and coding of both VK and Telegram. Together with Pavel’s persistence and leadership, this may be the reason Telegram is reputed to give more security and privacy than any other social media platform. The company has never had an HR department, Durov says, and he works with a small cadre of from 15 to currently 30 engineers and tech people. They hold monthly contests for engineers, and those showing the most promise in the contest may receive invitations to join Telegram as an engineer.
As with Musk, Mercury, planet of communications and intellect is outstanding. Mercury is exalted in Virgo in the 11th house of older siblings, networks of friends, and financial gains. Mercury is closely combust the Sun (13’ orb), called “Cazimi.” Normally combustion within 5° can weaken a planet, especially at lower longitude than the Sun but when the orb is within one degree, this is Cazimi and can bestow special brilliance in line with the characteristics of the planet. Add the fact that Mercury is exalted and well placed in the Navamsha 9th house with Sun and Ketu in Leo and you have a very powerful Mercury, even if some other planets are ranked higher. Durov speaks numerous languages and studied 6 languages during his education in Russia. He recounts starting school in Italy not knowing the language at all, and soon rising to the top of his class by his second year in Italy.
The Moon is the strongest planet in the birth chart, followed by Sun and Jupiter, fortunately all great good friends of Ascendant lord Mars. Moon’s sign lord Jupiter is strongly placed in its own sign of Sagittarius in the 2nd house of speech and financial income. Moon is in Mercury-ruled Revati nakshatra, and Mercury is exalted in Virgo, as discussed. As lord of the 9th house of Bhagya (good fortune) and placed in the 5th house, Moon is excellent for intellectual achievement, being a trinal house lord located in another trinal house. Natal Moon is also Vargottama in Pisces, recurring in the same sign in the Navamsha chart, and strengthening it. This is a Full Moon chart, with Moon opposite Sun and exalted Mercury in this case. Jupiter and Mars in Sagittarius are in the 10th house from the Moon. While Mars heats up the mind and accelerates the intelligence (if not overheated), Jupiter angular from Moon bestows a Gaja Kesari yoga of popularity. Though he is by nature reclusive and chooses to focus on his work, he has co-founded a company that has made him a multi-billionaire, and has over 950 million users to date.
The Magnet of Intrigue & Romance
Apropos Moon in a watery house (Pisces), the 5th house of the intellect, but also love affairs and children, it is relevant to mention that Durov has been a frequent sperm donor who has helped more than 100 couples in 12 countries to have children over some 15 years. He revealed this fact recently in his official Telegram account, saying how it all began when a friend asked him for help, as he and his wife had fertility problems.
A Russian-born woman named Irina Bolgar living in Switzerland claims to have 3 children with Durov, a daughter and 2 sons born in 2013, 2016, and 2017. She is a lawyer and a yoga practitioner who met Durov in St. Petersburg, Russia. She says they had a civil ceremony. Other reports do not indicate any marriages, but rather 5 children by 2 ex-girlfriends.
Durov may have been caught in the recent arrest in France due to a woman who was travelling with him in recent months and who also lives in Dubai. She was sending out many messages and photos of her travels with Durov, and may have purposely or inadvertently alerted authorities as to Durov’s exact locations, including his landing in Paris. This was a 24-year old blonde woman, Juli Vavilova, a crypto coach and video game streamer, who arrived in Paris with Durov. However, her family reported her disappearance shortly after Durov was arrested, adding to the mystery and tending to point to her collusion in the surprise arrest in Paris. As discussed earlier, his timing is not that auspicious now with the Saturn transit in Aquarius in the lowest part of his career cycle, and Moon-Saturn period running through Sept. 16, 2025. We should know more about this case when tr. Saturn turns Stationary Direct on Nov. 15, 2024.
Meanwhile, international intrigue seems to be at play here, including a possible honeypot (a seductive woman hired to entrap someone), all this befitting the man in black whose private life is mostly unknown: Scorpio Ascendant and elusive Ketu in the Ascendant, captured for now – and the world is in doubt as to exactly why he was arrested.
Copyright © 2024 by Edith Hathaway. All rights reserved.