Bridging East and West – Edith Hathaway’s Pioneering Journey in Vedic Astrology
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Andrew Mason of Netera Alchemy, UK.
Amata Gioviale Astrologa
By Edith Hathaway © 2024
[UPDATE: On July 21, 2024 Joe Biden stepped down from his run for the presidency and endorsed his Vice President Kamala Harris as the new Democratic Party Presidential candidate. My prediction of a Trump victory has not changed in the larger sense that I expect to see the Globalists be defeated in this election, and they will fight against that outcome tooth and nail. I have predicted this larger trend change away from Globalism and towards Nationalist/ Populism in my article, The Long View of 2024. Harris represents the Globalist vantage point as much if not more so than Biden. She supports Open Borders, the war in Ukraine and proxy wars in general, censorship of free speech, de-criminalization of drugs, defunding the police, packing the U.S. Supreme Court, and generally diminishing the rights and freedoms of citizens as guaranteed in the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Globalists have openly stated that “nation-states no longer work.” This means that the Harris-Walz team believe that Globalist organizations such as the United Nations, the World Economic Forum, the World Health Organization, NATO and the European Union should have more sway over American citizens, their rights and freedoms than any officials that American citizens may vote for in our elections.] Continue reading
By Edith Hathaway © 2024
“There are decades when nothing happens, and there are weeks when decades happen.” Vladimir Lenin, 1870-1924
We are currently in one of those very intense, accelerated times to which Lenin refers. But we should not be surprised, considering the power and significance of Dec. 2020 as the pivot point halfway into a 120-year period when the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction cycles predominate in sidereal EARTH signs. And when a JU-SA conjunction year is that significant astrologically, the 4 to 5 years surrounding it are also highly significant. Coincidentally, NASA reports that the Solar maximum cycle is nearing its 11-year high in 2024. It is arriving sooner than expected and will last longer than expected. Continue reading