
Bridging East and West – Edith Hathaway’s Pioneering Journey in Vedic Astrology

(click banner to read interview online)

Andrew Mason of Netera Alchemy, UK.

Amata Gioviale Astrologa


Satguru Sivananda Murty, 1928-2015 – A Tribute

by Edith Hathaway, © 2016

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Sivananda Murty

[This article is a slightly edited and amended version of the one that appears in the June-July  2016 issue of Sapatha magazine, a bi-lingual (English and Telugu) bi-monthly magazine from India.  This issue is dedicated to Satguru Sivananda Murty at the one year anniversary of his passing on June 10, 2015 at age 87.  Sivananda Murty is a revered spiritual master with many followers across India and around the world.  Vedic astrologer K.N. Rao wrote this about him on Oct. 11, 2005:  Continue reading

Q & A with Edith Hathaway – WSAA

Q & A with Edith Hathaway Washington State Astrological Assn. Posted by WSAA May 2, 2011

What brought you to astrology?

I think Astrology finds YOU! Astrology insinuated itself into my life when I wasn’t looking for it. I certainly was not surrounded by it growing up and going to school and college. At that point I was a musician and a composer, and had talents in various art forms, especially music. I think music has a special affinity with astrology and vice versa. Many astrologers seem to have musical backgrounds. They both organize a large number of symbols and make some harmonious sense out of them.  Continue reading

Fixed Stars – Interview with Diana K. Rosenberg

Interview with Diana K. Rosenberg

By Edith Hathaway, USA

fixed_stars_004Rob Hand calls Diana K. Rosenberg “the leading authority on Fixed Stars.” She has spent the past 30 years researching the subject of Fixed Stars. Her primary interest has always been research and teaching, rather than the consulting side of astrology. Her preferred astrological techniques outside of the realm of Fixed Stars include Uranian Astrology (90 Degree Dial, Planetary Pictures, etc.), Derived Houses, Planetary Nodes, and Solstice Points. Her preferred astrological techniques outside of the realm of Fixed Stars include Uranian Astrology (90 Degree Dial, Planetary Pictures, etc.), Derived Houses, Planetary Nodes, and Solstice Points. Continue reading

French translation: Fixed Stars – Interview [& Dialogue] with Diana K. Rosenberg

Les Etoiles Fixes ~ Entretien avec Diana K. Rosenberg

Edith Hathaway, USA.  © 2010

Traduction française : Patricia Depasse, Belgique © 2015

Robert Hand dit que Diana K. Rosenberg est “LA référence en Etoiles Fixes’’. Elle a passé 30 ans de sa vie à investiguer le sujet. Elle s’est toujours intéressée à la recherche et à l’enseignement, plutôt qu’à la consultation. Ses techniques astrologiques favorites, en dehors du domaine des Etoiles Fixes, comprennent l’astrologie uranienne (carte de 90 degrés, figures planétaires etc.), les maisons dérivées, les nœuds planétaires et les points solsticiaux. Continue reading